9 out of 10 Maryland construction workers have chosen NOT to join a union. What's Happening in AnnapolisPLA Executive Order Is Bad Public PolicyMarch 18, 2022Why ‘Stop Work Order’ Is Bad for MarylandMarch 1, 2022Legislation that Works‘Legislators We Like’April 19, 2022The EconomyIN THE NEWSFebruary 24, 2021Career TracksMeet Jordan LocklearApril 19, 2022Merit BuildersDelmarva Veteran Builders Addresses Workforce NeedsMarch 18, 2022Help Us Build a Merit MajorityLike the message of this publication? Interested in providing grassroots support for We Build Maryland?Get Involved!Want Our Weekly Newsletter? Leave this field empty if you're human: Merit Shop Project of the WeekABC Members Build New Church of The ResurrectionApril 19, 2022