R- District 36, Caroline, Cecil, Kent & Queen Anne’s Counties
In his four years in the Maryland House of Delegates, Steven J. Arentz has had a perfect voting record on key issues affecting small businesses and the merit shop construction industry before the Economic Matters Committee, of which he’s a member. He voted against mandated sick and safe leave, expansion of prevailing wage, and pay stub transparency and voted in support of the right to work legislation.
Arentz, who became the Deputy Minority Whip this year, also serves on the Joint Audit Committee and as House Chair, Queen Anne’s County Delegation.
Arentz was appointed by Governor Martin O’Malley in November, 2013, to fill the vacant seat from District 36 on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Arentz moved to Queen Anne’s County 18 years ago. As a small business owner—he and his wife Bianna owned Hemingway’s Restaurant on Kent Island—Arentz understands the importance of legislation aimed at helping, not hindering, small business growth.