Del. Brian Crosby
Democrat, District 29B
St. Mary’s County
For the past three years, Del. Brian Crosby has been a moderate voice in matters related to Maryland’s economy. As the current vice-chair of the Economic Matters Committee for the Maryland General Assembly, Del. Crosby continues to exercise reasonable judgment on economic decisions that will impact Maryland’s future.
Del. Crosby is currently working with ABC Maryland on amendments to HB 145 (Stop Work Order bill) that would protect a contractor’s due process rights.”
Del. Crosby also serves on the Public Utilities Subcommittee, the Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, and as the House Chair of the Joint EUSP Workgroup.
His current public service also the executive board of the Maryland Rural Council; Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland; and Maryland Economic Development Commission. He’s also a member of the Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus.
A lawyer by trade, Del. Crosby continues to serve his nation with distinction. He’s a U.S. Army veteran, having served in Afghanistan, for which he received several recognitions, including the Bronze Star and a commendation medal. He currently serves as a captain in the Maryland National Guard.