The threat of a looming coronavirus pandemic is already affecting world markets. If you get your construction materials from China, it could affect your construction supply chain. Some general contractors have already experienced a backlog in getting materials, according to a report by BisNow. A disrupted China-based labor and materials supply has already impacted construction work in China, according to …
Nickle Electrical Powers Up GTI
Cannabis has become a growing industry as more states legalize cannabis products for medicinal and recreational use. It’s also become a growing area in the construction industry. Green Thumb Industries, a national cannabis cultivator, processor and retailer, turned to Nickle Electrical Companies to help power up its Centreville cultivator center, one of GTI’s 12 vegetation grow buildings nationwide. Nickle provided …
Why I Work Construction – Marty Fulton
Assistant Shop Foreman, M. Nelson Barnes For the past five years, Marty Fulton has taught ABC Greater Baltimore’s fourth-year sheet metal class, taking this class through all four years of the sheet metal apprenticeship. Fulton has been working in the sheet metal trade for more than 17 years, nearly 14 of those spent at M. Nelson Barnes. “Marty is very …
PATRIOT Brings Veteran Values to Construction
Construction has always been a great fit for veterans to transition the skills they learned serving our country into a career path outside of the military. That’s how PATRIOT, an engineering, construction and service company headquartered in Dunkirk, Maryland, began. PATRIOT was founded in 2009 by military veterans, John Gilmore and Matt Timbario, as a Small Disadvantaged Business and Service- …
Delegate Steve Arentz – District 36 Republican
Caroline, Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s Counties Steve Arentz, a member of the House of Delegates since November 19, 2013, is a supporter and a good friend of ABC. Serving on the Economic Matters Committee and four of its subcommittees, Delegate Arentz is mindful and informed of the issues related to the construction industry. As a former small business owner, …
Proposed labor agreement requirement would hurt contractors doing business in Baltimore | COMMENTARY
ABC Greater Baltimore’s President, Mike Henderson, weighs in on Project Labor Agreement in Baltimore city. Read more HERE.
Senator Andrew A. Serafini
Republican, District 2, Washington County Andrew Serafini, a Republican who serves as a Maryland Senator representing D2-Washington County, has championed ABC and small business issues for the past dozen years. He began his political service as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates in March 2008. He resigned from his House seat in February 2015, after being appointed to …
Maryland’s Unemployment Rate in Construction Among Lowest in U.S.
ABC National has released a report that lists Maryland as having among the five lowest unemployment rates for construction in the country. As of February 2020, Maryland’s construction unemployment rate is 2.8%. This means the state is now the 5th lowest unemployment rate in the country. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of unemployment in Maryland was at …
Why I Work in Construction: Karl Ringsdorf
Karl Ringsdorf Electrical Service Manager Calvert Mechanical Solutions, Towson, Maryland Karl Ringsdorf is one of several nominees for ABC’s National Instructor of the Year for 2020. He teaches ABC Greater Baltimore’s electrical construction course. “He has really gone above and beyond for us. He truly has a passion for giving back to his trade and understand how important it is, …
Union-Only Hurts Local Workers and Contractors
The Baltimore City Council is considering legislation that would have devastating consequences for the local contractors and the local workforce, not to mention the economic health of the City and region. The ‘Baltimore City Project Labor Agreement’ (ordinance 20-0488) would require all contractors on City-funded projects amounting to $25 million or more to employ strictly union labor. Capital improvement projects …
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